Haii guys sekarang kan lagi happening banget tuh sulam alis dan bibir.
Buat teman2 pesulam saya jual alat dan bahan untuk sulam alis dan bibir, kualitas oke deh..... harga juga di jamin murah deh...
Selain produk yang ada gambarnya, saya juga ada jual cincin tinta, jarum, dan anastesi cair.
Untuk info lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi saya di:
- 085771184832
- Pin BB 25E106EB.
- Lewat What's up atau Line juga bisa lho.
Hello, We are professional manufacturing company for permanent make up machine and inks in Korea.
BalasHapusI am writing this offers to you due to I recommend you try new machine.
Once I saw your website, you have lots of beauty products including the pigments for blades and consumables.
If you don't mind, can you let me know your purchase manager or staff who handles the products?
For more detailed information, I would like to call, if you don’t mind.
*We are going to Jakarta, for COSMOBEAUTY at October. If you want, I will send you the invitation card for that show.
Thank you for your time and awaiting your reply.
saya mau brp harga ya